A Look at how Cloud Data Backup can be helpful

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What would happen if, by accident or malice, some piece of important data, such as an email/s from your MS 365/Google Workspace user/s, that had critical information/importance to the company got lost/deleted and discovered many months down the line when it was impossible to restore such data? This is more common in companies than you think, especially those that have already adopted some cloud solutions hence the importance of cloud data backup.

More so,  it offers additional protection/safety against such incidents. It is an automated process which offers higher reliability and can allow the company to restore data to new users or even new servers, etc on demand.

Whatever your needs to store and backup your company data, they are sometimes determined by a combination of factors that include: meeting regulatory requirements, industry practices, or keeping operational excellence to just keep all company data until any future unforeseen needs or use arises.

As a Cloud Partner, we offer cloud data storage and backup solutions that offer organizations such as yours the flexibility to store and backup your data in Google Cloud storage. All data is stored and backed up in near real-time and encrypted for security.

      1. Cloud storage and backup solutions offer you the flexibility to store and backup up your data based on your needs: storage capacity and budget. We have clients paying $30/pm for a 2TB instance for example.
      2. Your company data is stored in a cloud that you own or can set up and encrypted by yourself; GCP, Azure, AWS, Wasabi storage supported.
      3. Supported storage and backup data include:
            • Microsoft 365 Data ( Email, One Drive, Sharepoint, Calendars and Contacts)

            • Google Workspace ( Gmail, Google Drive, Shared Drives, Contacts and Calendars), and

            • Server data; (Cloud and On-premise ); For both image and file/system based backup


      A Google Workspace Instance with all users data backed up on the cloud

      A Microsoft 365 instance/domain with all user data backed up

      A Server Backup instance with data backed up on Google Cloud Bucket

      *All data is stored and backed up in near real-time , can be scheduled, remote-controlled/managed, and data is encrypted for security.

      ALL data can be restored to other users or used for company internal backup and compliance needs.

      Additional Resources